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Edgar Psychological is a team of psychologists based in downtown Edmonton. They had an agency managing their Google Ads campaigns and were very disappointed in the results, were stuck in a Yellowpages contract that was a few months away from expiring, and were not getting very much organic traffic to their website at all. They got in touch with us because they knew that their marketing could be (and needed to be!) much better.

The team at Edgar was tired of trying a bunch of tactics in hopes of finding some success here and there. They were ready for research, planning, strategy, and accurate reporting, and committed to growing their team and serving more clients. Since we started this project, the psychology practice has more than doubled in size — originally a team of four, there are now nine psychologists on staff!

Client Goals

Edgar Psychological came to us with the following goals:

  • Run Google Ads campaigns for phrases that make sense for the business — instead of on competitor names that weren’t converting and irrelevant keywords.
  • Begin to come up in the search results for what they do.
  • Know that their investment in marketing is actually resulting in more clients.

Needs Analysis

  • Website Audit — their Squarespace site required design changes to make it more user-friendly and technical improvements to improve search visibility.
  • Content Audit & Guide — they were missing pages on key topics, their current content had room for improvement, and they didn’t know how to start blogging. A Brand Voice Guide, Personas, and Keyword Research supported this.
  • On-Page Optimizations — the site required descriptive title tags, compelling meta descriptions, H1s, and a better URL structure.
  • Local SEO — their GMB listing was neglected, and they had multiple citations with incorrect NAP (name, address, phone number) that needed to be fixed.
  • Google Ads Setup & Management — their previous agency wasn’t cooperative, wasn’t getting the results they wanted, and wouldn’t give them access to their Google Ads account.
  • GTM Implementation & Analytics Improvements — Google Analytics was implemented, but they weren’t tracking conversions so they couldn’t see how their digital marketing efforts were performing.

Website + SEO

Their website wasn’t receiving a lot of organic traffic, and they were heavily relying on Google Ads to generate business. We love Google Ads — but we also love when our clients can get new business without having to pay for each click. We equipped the team at Edgar with the resources they’d need to grow their organic traffic.

Our Content Guide included:

  • A list of new pages to create with a series of questions to guide them on what to write for each page.
  • Updates to be made to their current content, such as adding new questions to their FAQ page, updating their Contact page, and more.
  • A blog post guide focused on how to find searched-for topics to write about and how to optimize for search engines.
  • Recommendations for updating the images on their website.

Our Content Guide also included a Brand Voice Guide and Personas so they sound consistent no matter which psychologist is writing, and can focus on writing content that speaks to their audience. Keyword Research was conducted to inform the Content Guide and was also used for the On-Page recommendations which outlined title tags, meta descriptions, H1s, and URL structure to use for each page. These small changes significantly improved their organic search traffic.

A graph showing the increase in Edgar Psychological's organic traffic
Their site has seen a 170% increase in organic traffic.

We used Whitespark to do a citation cleanup so their listings across the web were correct with the proper name, address, and phone number. Having accurate citations is important, as they impact local search engine rankings.

Google Ads + Analytics

Their previous agency ran Google Ads campaigns from April – August 2017. While they were receiving a lot of traffic, the amount of business they received didn’t correlate. They also weren’t accurately tracking results from Google Ads — they only had a Contact Us goal which triggered on the view of the Contact Page, and not when the form was submitted.

A graph showing Paid Search results from previous agency.
Paid Search results from previous agency.

Based on the keyword research, we created an outline of the campaigns we’d set up. We created a new Google Ads account for them and made them admins so they owned their account — we believe that all clients should have ownership and access to everything. We also set up goals in Analytics (phone number clicks, email clicks, form fills, and book an appointment button clicks) and imported them into Google Ads so we could track our efforts.

On August 25, 2018 our campaigns started and the previous agency’s campaigns ended. Although our campaigns have a smaller number of sessions than what the previous agency was running, our campaigns brought in more relevant traffic by using better keyword targeting and negative keywords.


Throughout our engagement, we’ve worked on optimizing their campaigns and have increased the number of conversions they’ve seen from Google Ads. Paid traffic is the largest source of website traffic for Edgar Psychological, and continues to bring the most number of clients for the psychology practice.

Goals from paid search.
Goals from paid search.

As noted earlier, organic traffic has increased by 170%. Their organic growth has resulted in Edgar Psychological seeing more conversions from search engines.

Goals from organic search.
Goals from organic search.

Small changes can provide big results. Simple things like targeting the right keywords in Google Ads, ensuring your citations have the correct NAP, and updating your website content can make a huge impact on your business.


With the increase in business from Google Ads, it’s hard for Edgar Psychological to find time to write new pages and update current content in their brand voice — they are slowly working on updating and improving the content on their website!

We were also limited in how we tracked appointment bookings — in Analytics, we can only track people who clicked the “Book Now” button on their site, as AppointmentPlus doesn’t have Google Analytics integration. Despite not being able to fully track appointments book, the increase in the number of psychologists at the practices is a testament to how great business is.


Due to the limitations discussed, it would have been beneficial to have additional hours budgeted so we could be more involved in updating and creating new website content. This way we could help them write new titles and meta descriptions, edit their content for brand voice, add internal links, and review their site regularly to ensure that nothing is amiss.

We are continuing to manage their Google Ads campaigns for them, but hope to one day train them so they can manage their account, so the money they’re spending on management can go towards other marketing efforts.

“I’ve been meaning to reach out to say THANK YOU to all of you but I’ve been so busy managing our now thriving, very busy practice. The work you have done for us has been amazing and has exceeded our expectations by a long shot. I’m in the process of hiring another full time contract psychologist and full time receptionist to accommodate our growth. We are so grateful!”

— Heidi Edgar