Be part of a team that entrepreneurs and organizations trust to help them do better marketing.
Nearly all of the clients and partners we work with have come to us via referrals from past and current relationships — people depend on us to help them meet their goals, and they refer to us because we help them succeed.
If you’re looking for a new marketing role, your first role after finishing school, or considering a career change to marketing please introduce yourself and tell us how you’d like to help us help our clients do better!
Working at Kick Point
We believe in sustainability. Working twelve hour days and weekends and being “on-call” during time off is not sustainable. Cutting corners and trying to do too much with not enough budget is not sustainable. Living life with just two weeks of vacation is not sustainable.
Spending as much time filling out timesheets and proving your billable-ness as you do doing actual work is a gross waste of time and energy. Passing your work over to a middle person to meet with the actual client is an outdated approach to marketing projects — you will be empowered to collaborate directly with our clients and partners. You’ll also never be asked to have a “monthly marketing meeting” with a client where you fumble through a slide deck and point to meaningless charts while their eyes glaze over.
The salary range for most of our positions is incredibly broad ($48,000-95,000) because of the variety of roles and your corresponding work experience. We also pay for comprehensive health benefits, a very flexible HSA/WSA, RRSP matching, computer and desk equipment of your choice, and have a minimum of 3 weeks of vacation (plus additional paid time off over Easter, Canada Day/Independence Day, Thanksgiving (Canadian, though some of us celebrate Football Thanksgiving too), and the December holidays, plus a few other (random, but historic) company-wide breaks through the year).
You will also be part of our anti-racism book club. We most recently discussed Stories of Métis Women: Tales My Kookum Told Me by Bailey Oster. All of our pro-bono projects and most of our monthly/yearly donations are now directed to anti-racist work and organizations. We give monthly to CFRAC and Grassroots Law Project, and recently collaborated with Linda Hoang, Carmen Cheng, and Jessie Cayabo, to launch Stop Race-Based Hate.
Our team members all have opportunities to attend conferences (virtually and in-person with travel paid for). We’ve recently attended MozCon, HeroConf (in Austin and London), Engage (Portland), SMX (virtual), and Local U (virtually). Brittany (social media and paid ad specialist), Sammy (digital strategist), and Jessie (SEO specialist) all attended MozCon in Seattle last summer (where Dana presented for the 8th time). Additionally, if you are interested in becoming or growing as a speaker and/or author in this industry, we are equipped to support you in this journey.
Those of us who live in Edmonton enjoy a very flexible balance of working from home and in-office time. No one is required to work a set number of hours or days in one location or the other. Other team members are fully remote (in Canmore and Victoria right now) or temporarily remote (wintering in “The South”). You can live anywhere when you work with us, you just have to be legally able to work in Canada.
We began trialing a four-day work week at the start of 2023.
How to Apply
Marketers: please email us ( to introduce yourself and tell us about the kind of role YOU are looking for!
If you’re an intermediate or senior developer, the number of years you’ve been at it matters less than what you’ve done with those years. Please tell us ( about some of your favourite challenges and most rewarding project wins when you email to introduce yourself.
If you are fresh out of school (or graduating soon and planning ahead), we’re still interested in hearing from you (! A person with an inquisitive mind and a strong team player attitude can learn and grow at Kick Point.